Snippet: Authentication

There are two ways to authenticate to Expel Workbench. The first is as a user with your password and MFA token, the second is with an API key. To authenticate as a user, you’ll need to provide your password and your 2FA code.

import getpass
from pyexclient import WorkbenchClient

print("Enter Username:")
username = input()
print("Enter Password:")
password = getpass.getpass()
print("2FA Code:")
code = input()

xc = WorkbenchClient('', username=username, password=password, mfa_code=code)

To authenticate with an api token:

xc = WorkbenchClient('', token='apitoken')

Snippet: List all open remediation actions

Sometimes it can be useful to review all open remediation actions. This is a snippet of Open Remediation Actions will list all remediation actions that are not currently completed or closed. You can optionally specifiy a date range to scope the search too.

# Start documentation snippet

# Search remediation actions where the status is not equal to CLOSED or COMPLETED, and optionally it was created within the window of start_date and end_date.
# start and end date's can be None in which case the search will look at all remediation actions.
for rem in, end_date), status=neq('COMPLETED', 'CLOSED')):
    # Calculate the number of days since the remediation action was created.
    since = ( - datetime.datetime.strptime(rem.created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")).days
    print(f'{rem.action} created {rem.created_at} ({since} days ago) has status {rem.status} and the comment is "{rem.comment if rem.comment else ""}"')

    # Count the number of assets we have
    count ='',
    print(f'Found {count} remediation action assets for remediation action {}')

    # Now print all the assets we have for the parent action
    for asset in'',
        print(f'\t{asset.status} - {asset.asset_type} - {asset.value}')
# End documentation snippet

_name__ == '__main__':

Snippet: Return device name of security device ID

Working with identifiers can be helpful, but also hard to mentally keep track of at times. This example is a simple function to return the human readable name of a security device ID

def security_device_to_name(xc, device_id):
    device = xc.security_devices.get(id=device_id)
    if device:
    return None

device_id = "158b031d-87f8-4c42-80ee-f9fb15796360"
device_name = security_device_to_name(xc, device_id)

Snippet: Return devices with a specific investigative action support

Before starting an investigative action, it is sometimes helpful to look up the capabilities of your onboarded devices to make sure you have a device that supports a particular investigative action. This example will use Capabilities to look for ENDPOINT devices, such as EDR or antivirus devices, that support the Query Domain capability.

def get_query_domain_devices(xc):
    endpoint = xc.capabilities().get("ENDPOINT")
    if endpoint:
        query_domain = endpoint.get("query_domain")
        if query_domain:
            security_devices = query_domain.get("security_devices")
            if security_devices:
                return security_devices
    return None

query_domain_devices = get_query_domain_devices(xc)

Snippet: Listing investigations

Iterate over all the investigations and print their title and status.

for inv in xc.investigations:
    s = "Investigation ID: {inv_id} Title: {inv_title} Status: {inv_status}"
    status = "OPEN" if inv.decision is None else "CLOSED"
    print(s.format(, inv_title=inv.title, inv_status=status))

Snippet: List comments

List all comments, displaying when they were created and by which user.

for comment in xc.comments:
    s = "[{ts}] {cmt} - {user}"
    print(s.format(ts=comment.created_at, cmt=comment.comment, user=comment.created_by.display_name))

Snippet: create comment

Create a comment and associate it with an investigation.

comment = xc.comments.create(comment="Hello world!")
comment.relationship.investigation = 'my-investigation-id'

Snippet: Listing Investigative Actions

List investigative actions by type or capability name.

For example, listing all manual (human driven) investigative actions:

for inv_act in'MANUAL'):

Alternatively, you could search for all automatic actions to acquire a file like this:

for inv_act in'acquire_file'):

Snippet: Find top automatic Investigative Actions

Find the top 10 automatic investigative actions by number of times they are issued.

from collections import defaultdict

# Retrieve all automatic actions
actions = defaultdict(int)
for action in'TASKABILITY'):
    actions[action.capability_name] += 1

# Sort and list top 10 actions
top_actions = sorted(actions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

Snippet: Creating new investigation

Create a new investigation in Workbench.

inv = xc.investigations.create(title='My investigation title')

Snippet: List open investigation

List open investigations in Workbench.

from pyexclient.workbench import notnull

for inv in

Snippet: Close an investigation

Update an investigation’s state by closing it. Note that setting an investigation’s decision to anything other than None will close it.

with xc.investigations.get(id='my-investigation-id') as inv:
    inv.decision = "FALSE_POSITIVE"
    inv.close_comment = "This is a false positive."

Snippet: Creating findings for an incident

Create new investigative findings for an incident.

finding = xc.investigation_findings.create(
    rank = 1, # The order in which this finding will appear in Workbench
    title = "Where else is it?", # Title of the finding
    finding = "We found it **EVERYWHERE!**", # Markdown body for the finding
finding.relationship.investigation = 'my-investigation-id'

Snippet: Modify investigation findings

Modify findings text for an investigation.

with xc.investigation_findings.get(id='my-finding-id') as finding:
    finding.finding = "Updated: Turns out it wasn't _everywhere_..."

Snippet: Create an investigative action and poll for completion

Create “auto” investigative actions, using our tasking framework. This example will use the Query Logs investigative action. After creating the investigative action shows how to download the results. Assumes the results completed. Requires knowing the following values: - Investigation ID - A user ID, can also use customer ID in place of a specific user - Vendor device ID to task - Input arguments to the “task” defined per capability - Query that is specific to the SIEM we are talking too. This example works on Sumo Logic.

import time
from io import BytesIO
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

input_args = dict(
    start_time=( - timedelta(days=1)).isoformat(),,

action = xc.create_auto_inv_action(
    title="Query Sumo Logic for some logs",
    reason="I want to see if I can find some logs...",


while action.status == 'RUNNING':
    print("Waiting for results...")
    action = xc.investigative_actions.get(

if action.status == 'READY_FOR_ANALYSIS':
    results = io.BytesIO()

    with open("results.json", 'wb') as fd:
    print("Got results! Saved to results.json")
    print("No results... {status}".format(status=action.status))

Snippet: Upload investigative data

While uncommon, it can happen that a customer has access to logs or data that we don’t. In that case it’s important Expel gain access to that data to help complete an investigation. In this example we’ll show how you can upload arbitrary to an investigation.

# create an manual investigative action
action = xc.investigative_actions.create(
    title='Upload file',
    reason='To provide a file to Expel for analysis',

# read an upload a file
fname = 'evil.exe'
with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:

Snippet: Return Expel Alerts closed as PUP/PUA

Expel Alert close decisions can be helpful to identify certain types of alerts in your organization. This example will find alerts with a close decision of PUP/PUA.

for ea in'PUP_PUA'):

Snippet: Interacting with Expel hunting investigations

Note: Hunting investigations are specific to the Expel Hunting service and available to those who have purchased this option.

for inv in"HUNTING"):

Snippet: Return devices with a specific investigative action support

Before starting an investigative action, it is sometimes helpful to look up the capabilities of your onboarded devices to make sure you have a device that supports a particular investigative action. This example will use Capabilities to look for ENDPOINT devices, such as EDR or antivirus devices, that support the Query Domain capability.

capabilities = xc.capabilities()
supported = capabilities.get('ENDPOINT',{}).get('query_domain',{}).get('security_devices')
if supported:
    print("Devices supporting this capability: ",supported)
    print("No devices support this capability")

Snippet: Close a remediation action as completed

Update a remediation action as completed, and close it in Expel Workbench.

with xc.remediation_actions.get(id='remediation_action_id') as action:
    action.status = 'COMPLETED'
    action.close_reason = 'We remediated this sytem.'